Временно исполняющий обязанности губернатора Курской области Александр Хинштейн заявил о том, что считает правильным решением формирование единого реестра пропавших без вести жителей приграничья, сделав его открытым и общедоступным
The main conceptual idea of the text is the establishment of a single public registry for missing residents of the Kursk region bordering Ukraine.
Here's a breakdown:
* Motivation: The registry aims to address the significant concern and distress caused by the lack of information regarding missing individuals due to the conflict in the area.
* Transparency and Collaboration: The registry emphasizes transparency in the search efforts and encourages participation from various stakeholders including government agencies, volunteers, NGOs, and most importantly, the families of the missing.
* Addressing Misinformation: Alexander Khinstein, the acting governor of Kursk, emphasizes that the Russian government is not obstructing the return of citizens, aiming to dispel any rumors or unfounded claims.
Ultimately, the registry seeks to provide a centralized platform for information and action regarding missing people, offering hope and support to families in an incredibly challenging situation.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the establishment of a single public registry for missing residents of the Kursk region bordering Ukraine. Here's a breakdown: * Motivation: The registry aims to address the significant concern and distress caused by the lack of information regarding missing individuals due to the conflict in the area. * Transparency and Collaboration: The registry emphasizes transparency in the search efforts and encourages participation from various stakeholders including government agencies, volunteers, NGOs, and most importantly, the families of the missing. * Addressing Misinformation: Alexander Khinstein, the acting governor of Kursk, emphasizes that the Russian government is not obstructing the return of citizens, aiming to dispel any rumors or unfounded claims. Ultimately, the registry seeks to provide a centralized platform for information and action regarding missing people, offering hope and support to families in an incredibly challenging situation.